Raised from Californian seeds collected by Mr. Hartweg. Leaves imbricated, blunt, thickly set in four rows and bright green on the old plants; expanded, awl-shaped, very distant, more or less reflexed, sharp pointed and rather slender on the young plants. Branches very irregular on the main stem, some being ![]() [Cupressus Goveniana opposite, others alternate, very numerous, slender and rather pendent; lateral branches spiral, frequent1y opposite, very dense, and of a beautiful bright-green colour. Cones in large clusters, g1obular, ½ an inch in diameter, each having from six to eight scales, which are nearly all four-sided and elevated in the centre to a blunt point. Seeds numerous to each scale, rather small, dark brown, without vittae, irregularly angular, and membranous at the edges. Seedleaves mostly in threes, seldom in fours. This fine Cypress was first discovered by Mr. Hartweg, on the western declivity of the mountains of Monterey in Upper California, within two miles of the sea shore, in company with Pinus muricata, forming a dense bush from 6 to 10 feet in height. It is at once distinguished from the other Californian species by its very much smaller cones and more spreading, slender, somewhat pendulous branches. It has the same beautiful bright green colour, both in its foliage and branches, as Cupressus macrocarpa, and is a most desirable evergreen, which will prove quite hardy. It has been named in compliment to James Robert Gowen, Esq., the Society's present Secretary.