5. C. bakerii Jepson n. sp.
MODOC CYPRESS. Shrub or becoming a small tree 25 feet high with red-brown
bark and very slender branchlets; leaves with a distinct resin pit on middle of keeled back; staminate catkins 1 line long or less;
cones globose, satiny or glaucous, 5 to 6 lines in diameter; scales 3 pair or with a fourth smaller upper pair; umbos abruptly drawn
to a short point, either nipple-like or compressed, straight or slightly curved; seeds brown, 1½ lines long, narrowly wing-margined.—
(Frutex vel arbor parva 25 ped. alta; cortex rufo-fuscus; ramusculi tenuissimi; folia glandula distincta resinferaque in medio carinato
dorso; amenta staminata 1 lin. vel minus longa; coni globosi, nitidi vel glauci, 4 ad 6 lin. in diametro; tria paria squamarum vel
quartum par min or supra; umbones abrupte contracti ad apicem vel papillati vel compressi, recti vel leniter unci; semina fusca 1½ lin.
longa, anguste marginata ala). Lava beds of southeastern Siskiyou and southwestern Modoc cos. Between Little Hot Spring Valley and Hills Farm, it is associated with Juniper, Yellow Pine and Knob-cone Pine (M. S. Baker). |