WILLIS LINN JEPSON Cupressus Forbesii Jepson n. sp. Slender tree 15 to 20 ft. high; bark very smooth, shining, red-brown or even dark cherry red; branchlets squarish; foliage bright green; dorsal pits of leaves minute or commonly wanting; cones globose, ¾ to 1 1-5 in. long; seed red-brown. This cypress was discovered Dec. 30, 1907, in Cedar Cañon between El Nido and Dulzura, San Diego County, by my former student, Mr. C. N. Forbes, later Assistant in Botany, Bishop Museum, Honolulu. I take pleasure in naming it in his memory. The same thing, apparently, has also been found on Mt. Tecate and near Pala by Mr. S. B. Parish but I have not seen his specimens. |