Cupressus  macnabiana

Andrew MURRAY, The Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, Vol. I, January-April 1855, p. 293-295 + plate.

Andrew Murray's Description
of New Coniferous Trees from California

Cupressus M cNabiana. Plate X.

      C. foliis acutis, carinatis, decussatis ; ramulis curtis tortuosis ; strobilis globosis, squamis mucronatis, mucrone contorto ; seminibus parvis, concavis.
      Habitat in California, circa lat.
41° Bor.
      Leaves acute, keeled, decussate, sub-amplexicaul at the base, the older leaves ending in short firm projections. Branchlets small, snort, tortuose. Cones globose, growing on a short thick peduncle, about the size of a small cherry or gean. Scales, six in number, irregularly four or five sided, each with a strong projecting mucro in their centre, the mucro generally curled in at the point, especially in the younger cones. Seeds small, circular, bent in the shape of a scoop. The figure given of this species is taken from a dried specimen, from which many of the leaves and branchlets had been broken off, so that it appears less clothed than it is in reality.
      An evergreen shrub, growing to no great size, but from its somewhat gnarled and tortuous appearance, likely to form an agreeable variety in a lawn or shrubbery.
      My brother has named this species after our friend Mr McNab, of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, who contributed much to the success of the Expedition by his judicious advice and suggestions, particularly as to the best mode of safely transmitting the seeds to this country, advice which proved not only eminently practical, but also singularly successful.

Explanation of Plates.

XI. Cupressus McNabiana.
     Fig.   1. Branch of do., with leaves and cones.
2. Seeds (natural size).
3. Do. (magnified).
4. Do. (magnified in profile).