Cupressus  cashmeriana

Carrière 1867

Young female strobili
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Male strobili
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Young female and male strobili on the same branch
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Young female strobili (close-up)
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Young male strobili (close-up)
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Pendulous leaves
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Seed cones one year old
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Top of young tree with cones
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
Cones displaying (11)-12 scales
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.
A. Camus and A. Farjon are acknowledging only 10 scales/cone.

Close-up :
Cones displaying (11)-12 scales
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.

Close-up :
Cones displaying 10-12 scales
Botanical Garden of Geneva, Switzerland.

Photos © 19 December 2005